When writing to increase web traffic to your site from search engines you need to also ensure your readers delight. Picture your site ranking high on search engine listing. Now just contemplate the content on your web pages luring your readers to take action. This can be achieved by capturing the minds of your visitors by posting engaging and informative content.
You might be saying that attaining top search engine results and pleasing your readers at the same time is impossible, think again. This article will discuss on how you can delight both search engines and your target audience. Yes, talk of turning your web traffic into cash.
If your content is not seen by your target audience because of low ranking on engines, then you might as well re-strategize. On the other hand, if you get high web traffic from optimizing your website for high engine listing and the content is unreadable, be sure your bounce rate will be high. It is obvious you want to achieve both.
Here are some simple tips:
Site Appearance: The first impression really matters when it comes to turning your web traffic into money. The layout of your web pages should be pleasing to the eye. Make sure the fonts and the style you use are easy to read. To ensure this, make the background of your site have a light color preferably white.
Paragraphs should be short: Write your content in point form by using bullets, subheadings and bolded words. In short, break up your information and avoid writing in big blocks. This will make it easy for readers to identify the key things on your pages.
Write to talk: At all times remember to have your readers’ interest at heart. Visualize your visitors experience as you post content. Content turns intriguing when it communicates directly to the readers therefore let your posts appear like a conversations. When writing, use the word “you” rather than using “I”.
Delighting Search Engines: Before you write have a theme. This will help you focus on one issue and one keyword per page. There are people to date that target more than one keyword on a single web page thinking it will increase engine ranking thus web traffic. When you use many keywords on a single page you will end up writing something that is not readable.
Therefore, choose a single theme for every page and determine which keyword phrase you will optimize on. This way you will rank high on search engines and eventually generate web traffic and readable content.
Follow links below to learn more on traffic generation…
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